
Dazzling is backed by Gatsby, an amazing framework that lets you generates static content (websites, but really - anything) while keeping the development experience tied to React, GraphQL, and many more first-class frontend tools.

Gatsby lets you have your cake and eat it too; and Dazzling puts the whole thing on steriods.

After generating your first Dazzling website, you'll see this layout (which is standard Gatsby layout):

├── assets
├── css
│   └── index.scss
├── html.jsx
├── layouts
│   └── index.jsx
├── pages
│   └── index.jsx
└── templates
    └── doc.jsx

And if we take a look at pages/index.jsx, we see this:

// various imports
export default class Index extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <LandingPage config={config} {...this.props}>
        <Shell dark style={{ margin: '8rem 0 5rem 0' }}>
          <Shell.Cmd>$ yarn add foo-bar</Shell.Cmd>
          <Shell.Success>foo-bar installed!</Shell.Success>

If you noticed - both the folder structure and the actual pages are super compact. This is where Dazzling tucks everything under its standard framework and opinions.

Everything is standard React and standard Gatsby - feel free to edit, tweak and use the parts you like from Dazzling and ignore the parts you dislike.

You can look at the various components Dazzling has by going to its styleguide.

Next, check out how Dazzling supports a markdown based documentation feature.