
A sparkly website generator.

$ yarn add -D dazzling
$ yarn dazzling site new
? What's your project name? Bamboo ? Project tagline? The scalable wood ? Github repo? https://github.com/fixme/fixme ? Website? https://fixme.io ? Google Analytics ID? UA-FIX-ME-XXXXX ? Your name? (for copyright) Chuck Woody
Loaded templates: _templates added: www/static/CNAME added: www/site-config.js
$ cd www && yarn && yarn start
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Batteries Included.

Touch and go. A Dazzling website with documentation takes a single command.

Simple Extensibility.

Use the Dazzling component library to tweak, change, and add pages.

React at The Core

Dazzling is Gatsby powered, and uses React and Styled Components.

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Made with Dazzling
